Franchise brand distributors
Franchise brand distributors

Online distributor - Visit WWW HADDONBURLEY COM brand official website, enter the online distributor recruitment page to apply to become an online distributor, pay a membership fee of 600 yuan/year, and after approval, you can become an online distributor of the HADDON&BURLEY brand. Enjoy the following services.

1. You can enjoy the HADDON&BURLEY membership price

2. Can recommend products to earn commissions

3. You can enter the exclusive pattern and fabric product library of distributors to select products from the store. (Some patterns are locked and cannot be viewed for details. Offline distributors only use them)

4. You can showcase the effect of floral models on your customers and make the website a tool for distributors. (Some patterns are locked and cannot be viewed for details. Only for offline distributors)

5. If the purchased goods cannot be sold, they can be exchanged by the end of the 20th of each quarter (the product does not affect secondary sales and bears the round-trip freight cost)


III Offline distributor members need to have face-to-face discussions, sign contracts, and enjoy service content

1. You can enjoy HADDON&BURLEY distributor discount prices first

2. Can recommend products to earn commissions

3. If the purchased goods cannot be sold, they can be changed in style by the end of the 20th of each quarter (without affecting secondary sales and bearing the cost of changing shipping)

4. You can enter the exclusive pattern and fabric product library of distributors to select products from the store (all are open and unlocked)

5. You can showcase the effect of floral models on your customers and make the website a tool for distributors. (All open without locking)

Exclusive service items for offline distributors:

① We will grant the HADDON&BURLEY brand an offline authorization letter and display franchisee information online.

② Exclusive and synchronized massive pattern resource sharing, the website can become a tool website for distributors.

③ The company provides unified and standardized product display containers and 100 distribution samples for all distribution franchisees.

④ The company provides exclusive product packaging, promotional materials, and other items that are uniformly used at the counter of each franchise store.

⑤ The company provides seasonal and holiday scene design and layout plans, as well as poster POP design plans, for each franchise store

⑥ The company provides high-end customized services to high-end high-end customers for each franchise store.

⑦ The company will recommend high-end customers with customization needs to the distributor's location to help them expand their business.

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