Maintenance guide

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Tie also needs maintenance?

Of course! Many people only pay attention to the maintenance of suits, but neglect the issue of whether to maintain neckties. Ties are subject to a certain degree of wear and tear every time they are used, and our lack of attention leads to various problems. Tie, as an accessory, plays a significant role in the style of suits. It is the best interpretation of a man's inner world. Follow and learn how to maintain a tie

Maintenance methods after use

After being used for a whole day, the first thing to do when returning home is not to forcefully untie the tie, especially when intentionally pulling the tie to show off your looks. This behavior can easily tear and break the fibers of the tie, causing irreparable creases. The correct method is to gently untie the tie, fold it in half to prevent scratches, or use a tie hanger to hang it, leaving ample space to avoid scratches.

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